Literary Publications
Deltares Community Disaster Preparedness & Response Plan and Community Risk Reduction Plan
Stichting, Deltares. Deltares TOOLKIT for Developing Community Disaster Preparedness & Response Plan and Community Risk Reduction Plan, World Bank, New York, NY, 2021.
This toolkit was prepared as a part of the Development of Community Disaster Preparedness & Response Plans and Community Risk Reduction Plans in Dar es Salaam project under the World Bank’s Tanzania Urban Resilience Program. It is designed to provide step-by-step guidance to local leaders and ward-level administrators on the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of these two projects. It also concludes with a full-length poster for project purposes.
2022 Wildlife of Brandenburg Calendar
I made this calendar of the wildlife of Brandenburg, the region surrounding Berlin, to highlight the diverse origin of the area's biodiversity as well as to support their conservation, (20% of the profits generated through the sal
e of these calendars are donated to Stiftung Naturlandschaften Brandenburg, an organization working to re-wild parts of the region). Some of the species illustrated in the calendar have inhabited the forests of Brandenburg for thousands of years while others are newcomers, only just arrived. Every month includes a season-specific illustration as well as a short description of the species’ history and behavior.